Monday, October 4, 2010

Part Two of Sarah's American Literature Reviews

Okay, here are the rest of the books we read last school year!

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain – This book is absolutely hilarious! There are parts that made me laugh out loud! Every character in the book is really stupid which makes everything so funny!

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott – I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book, though there will always be a part of me that wishes Jo and Laurie ended up together… But anyways, this book made me laugh, cry, and smile. Perhaps my view of the story of Little Women has been tainted by the movie, which is not an accurate depiction of the book in my opinion. The book really explains the character of Amy in a way that makes the reader understand her and grow to love her. The book showed how the relationship between Laurie and Amy grew and changed. (It’s till weird though.) And also, Professor Bhaer is not such a creeper in the book. (He is still slightly creepy though…just kidding…) Anyways, every girl should read this book!

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass – Very interesting but extremely sad. This book will make you angry. But you should read it because it is so, so good!

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane – Waste of time. I know this is considered a classic, but…why? I couldn’t tell you what happened. I couldn’t even tell you the name of the main character. Who, by the way, is such an annoying slacker. Basically, the story is about this guy who runs around during the Civil War and eventually dies. Woop-dee-doo. Maybe I missed something major. If you know what it is please tell me!!!

Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beacher Stowe – A wonderful surprise! I thought that the book would be dull, but it was anything but! The characters are so well-drawn and the story is captivating from the beginning! There are so many wise words throughout the book that remain relevant even today. This is a sad book, and it made me very angry at times, but I really loved it.

Giants in The Earth – Umm…I didn’t exactly finish this one yet… AAHH!! But I will, I promise!! I am going to force myself!! Everyone tells me it’s a great book so I mustn’t give up!

1 comment:

  1. Again, I love the comments! I burst out laughing when I read about Red Badge of Courage!!!
